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Friday, December 1, 2023

 The Enigma of Positivity and Hidden Negativity

I recently learned about ‘hidden negativity’ and wanted to explore how seemingly harmless words can carry negative meanings that affect our thoughts.

Hidden negativity means having negative thoughts or feelings that aren’t obvious. It’s when someone conceals their criticism or pessimism, and though it’s not directly spoken, it can still affect us subtly.

These hidden negative words can confuse even positive-minded people. We know that staying positive helps us face life’s challenges, but sometimes, seemingly innocent words hold negative meanings. For example, saying “someone’s brain has limited understanding” isn’t using negative words, but the overall connotation is very unpleasant and discouraging.

At times, we unconsciously embrace hidden negativity, that affects our approach towards life and our mindset and ultimately poses an obstacle to fostering an optimistic outlook.

I have highlighted some of the points which, according to me, contribute significantly to hidden negativities:

Repetitive Criticism

Many people in our lives tend to criticize even small things. They remind us of our mistakes repeatedly, impacting our minds negatively. Continuous criticism affects mental health. If you’re that person, remember your sarcasm might make someone’s life hard without you realizing it.


People say first impressions matter, but I disagree. Sometimes, a bad day can give a wrong first impression. It’s okay to give second chances. We often assume negatively about people who turn out to be great individuals.


Gossiping seems harmless, but it isn’t. Talking behind someone’s back, especially negatively, isn’t healthy. It doesn’t benefit anyone. It might make you feel better momentarily, but it can lead to envy and complexities, making it an unhealthy pastime.

So, what’s the enigma of staying positive?

Positivity encourages us to maintain an optimistic outlook and face life’s challenges with a hopeful mindset. However, sometimes, negative feelings hide behind words or actions that seem harmless. That’s when things get puzzling.

Positivity encourages us to focus on the brighter side of life, but it doesn’t mean ignoring or suppressing genuine feelings or challenges. It’s about striking a balance between being hopeful and accepting the fact that life is not always easy.

Compliments wrapped in criticism can undermine the positive impact we seek. For instance, imagine a friend who often compliments you on your achievements but frequently adds a hint of criticism. They might say, ‘You did a great job on this project, but it could have been better if you had done it this way.’ While the compliment seems positive at first, the hidden criticism might make you feel disheartened or less confident about your accomplishments.

Understanding this mystery means realizing that sometimes there’s hidden negativity around us. But it’s essential not to let these hidden negative feelings take over our positive thoughts.

Staying positive isn’t just about pretending to be happy all the time. It’s about being real, feeling both the good and the not-so-good emotions, and finding a way to stay hopeful even when things aren’t perfect :)

You can follow me on my website & social media platforms for my content in the form of reels and posts. 
You can visit my online store for my artwork and poetry book: Farytude Store Gumroad

Thank you for your support. 😊

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Embrace the Pain – The Path to Emotional Wellbeing


The initial step towards emotional healing involves acknowledging the pain, sadness, or guilt we may be experiencing. It’s essential to recognize and accept these emotions rather than denying or suppressing them. Surprisingly, there are individuals who actively seek sadness and unhappiness, finding a strange sense of comfort in the depths of depression. However, this path, often unintentionally chosen, can have long-term consequences not only on our lives but also on those whose happiness depends on us.

The gloominess can quietly cast its mark, leaving us emotionally weakened without our conscious awareness. Therefore, the very first step in the journey of emotional healing is acknowledging that we are in a state of pain, and understanding that it is not a place we are destined to remain indefinitely.

Life is a journey filled with various challenges, and we all encounter rough patches along the way. While time may lessen the intensity of painful memories, they often lead us to overthinking. We replay the challenges and traumas we’ve faced, causing us to relive the emotions associated with those experiences. The process of awareness and acknowledgment is the primary steps on the path to healing, as it allows us to confront our emotions and begin the journey towards emotional well-being. We have the power to heal and we can ensure that this deep sadness cannot control our lives. The traumas may never fade away but we can confront them by following these 5 basic steps:

1. The Power of Forgiveness: Forgiving someone is not a favor to them; it’s a gift to yourself. It’s a crucial part of the healing process, allowing you to let go of burden, anger, stress, and the shackles of anxiety and depression. Forgiving means you have disarmed the pain to harm you further. That pain and trauma are powerless now as you have chosen the path of forgiving and letting go of the wounds that once held you captive. Embrace the strength of forgiveness, liberate yourself, and break free from the self-imposed prison of your mind.

2. Get Up, No Matter What: It is difficult to move on, but it is the only way out. You were not promised that you would be having a pain-free life, so complaints can’t change the circumstances we face. The only way forward is to gather the strength and get up. The road may seem daunting, but life doesn’t promise us an easy ride either. Once you are motivated to embrace this challenge, you will discover that there is no end point in sight.

3. The Significance of Positive Words:
The words we speak shape our reality. Replace “compromise” with “adjust,” and “I can’t achieve this” with “I might try my best.” These small linguistic shifts may seem insignificant, but when incorporated into your daily life, they can have a profound impact on your mindset and emotional well-being. Be kind and humble and always remember that life is not perfect for the majority of us. We are all fighting battles inside, this journey is rough and it can be a bit smooth if we are kind to the people around us.

Remain Intouch with YOUR People: Maintaining connections with your close friends and family members is vital. Seek support from those who are positive minded and can provide moral support and strength. Surrounding yourself with loved ones can significantly aid your emotional recovery.

 5. Stop Watching Depressive Content: The content we consume can deeply affect our emotions. Sad reels, movies, and dramas may inadvertently remind us of our traumas and painful experiences. To foster emotional healing, it’s essential to distance ourselves from such content and instead indulge ourselves in reading books about life lessons and new experiences. Social media also play a part in keeping people upset, so we should be watchful in watching the content available on social media platforms.

In conclusion, the path to emotional healing is both challenging and rewarding. While we may never erase the scars of our past, we can learn to live with them and grow stronger in the process. The five practices outlined here  can serve as beacons of hope on the journey towards emotional well-being. Embrace them, and remember, healing is a journey, not a destination. It’s time to get back to your life and find the strength to move forward, one step at a time.
You can follow me on my website & social media platforms for my content in the form of reels and posts. 
You can visit my online store for my artwork and poetry book: Farytude Store Gumroad

Thank you for your support. 😊

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Reenergizing Your Fitness Routine: Overcoming Lethargy


We all acknowledge the benefits of leading a disciplined lifestyle that includes healthy activities like eating clean, getting proper sleep, and working out. Yet, sometimes we slip into a sedentary zone where we lose the motivation of following the routine activities especially when it comes to working out. This phase can last for a week or two, or even extend to a month. If you have been habitual in following the exercise routines for years then the thought of not working out for a month can be quite unsettling. The feeling of guilt would hover you and you will constantly look for motivation.

So, how to come out of the lethargic zone? Well, enjoy Netflix! 😉 Its certainly not a bad idea but of course it’s not a long-term solution. A little bit of effort can go a long way. Let me jot down some of the steps I have used to regain my motivation and returned to my disciplined routine: 

  • Change up your exercises. If you have been stuck with cardio, try walking. If you are bored of yoga, consider starting strength training. 
  • If you are tired of home workouts, go to the gym. If that’s not a good option, call your exercise partner over to your place
  • Watch workout reels on social media for inspiration and motivation
  • Read articles targeting health and fitness
  • Stay hydrated by drinking a lot of water as it can have a positive impact on your energy levels
  • Enjoy a limited quantity of dark chocolate
  • If none of these strategies work for you, try heaving a junk meal which might make you feel guilty and you will go back to your yoga matt 😉
Last but not the least, always remember that a little break from daily routine is always refreshing. It is a good idea to enjoy the downtime and give the rest to your body it deserves. Just ensure that it doesn’t stretch for a month.

Happy Exercising!

You can follow me on my website & social media platforms for my content in the form of reels and posts. 
You can visit my online store for my artwork and poetry book: Farytude Store Gumroad

Thank you for your support. 😊

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Navigating the World of Social Media: The Proliferation of Side Hustle Ads

One of the trends that has attracted a significant portion of the population, especially among the youth, is the proliferation of Side Hustle reels on social media platforms. These ads often feature individuals who have entered money-making ventures, promising financial stability, time-saving solutions, shortcuts to earning money and personal freedom. However, beneath the surface, the allure of these side hustle ads often masks a darker reality – one filled with deception, misinformation, and negative consequences.

The Illusion of Easy Money through Passive Income

The reels on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube often show luxurious lifestyles, expensive foreign trips, and testimonials of individuals who claim to have become rich through these side hustles. This trap of receiving poor advice from individuals who have little to no experience, let alone success in such endeavours, is a scam that people easily fall for.

In reality, achieving financial success though side hustles requires a lot of hard work, consistency, patience, skills, demand in the market, and sheer luck. The illusion of easy money is akin to a video game simulation in which you appear to have an airplane, but in reality, you are empty-handed.

Beware of Traps in Side Hustle Ads

I came across a video where it was claimed that you could earn a substantial income through copywriting. The person on the reel stated that she writes headlines and descriptions, earning $250 per hour, and that no prior experience is required – making it seem like an easy opportunity for beginners. However, this is a catch. No company is likely to pay a beginner $250 per hour for copywriting without any experience. To succeed in copywriting, you must first build your portfolio, grow your audience, do some free of cost gigs, and some unpaid projects. Only after a lot of hard work can you secure paid opportunities. So, as you can see, it’s not a quick path to easy money.😊 

Likewise, I came across a passive income ad related to affiliate marketing. It suggested that any affiliate link can be placed on Pinterest account and anyone can easily earn money. Sounds so good and the easiest thing to do, right? Well, it’s not that simple. To achieve any meaningful results, you must post hundreds of links to get some decent views and, even then, the earnings are relatively modest, and not to forget, if you are spamming Pinterest then your account might get blocked. 

So Why Deceptive Reels?

Teaching people how to earn easy-money is far simpler than actually performing the suggested tasks. The algorithms of social media platforms are designed in such a way that if you get more views, attract more traffic, and make your reels go viral, you will be rewarded. This ease in earning money and becoming an influencer is facilitated by the fact that many individuals do not fact-check. A significant number of people assume that whatever they encounter on social media is legit.

Impact on Society 

The effect of side hustle scams on society is perilous. People are seeking ways to earn extra income and these scams often offer them false hope. The illusion of quick money ideas leads individuals to believe that they can enjoy a luxurious life without learning new skills or putting in hard work, which is practically impossible. And after realizing the harsh reality, they get disappointed. Side hustles demand substantial time, patience and skills. One cannot amass wealth in a single day and its essential to remain patient even when your bank account remains at $0 for a first few months. Giving up is not an option. 

Navigating the Noise

It is crucial to be cautious and continuously cross check the information you come across. Critical thinking plays a vital role in such scenarios. When you encounter side hustle reels, take a moment to think: if something were genuinely that easy, everyone would have been rich in the world. If someone is teaching you shortcuts to rapidly increase followers, consider why the creators don’t already have a substantial following. 

Hence, consider the following key points:

·         Be critical when you watch such ads, reels, or shortcuts

·         Do not follow such reels as it encourages the creators to create deceptive and misleading content.

·         Always comment and guide people in the comment section about the reality of the particular side hustle.

·         Always believe in hard work and skills and keep yourself updated with the current trends of the market.

·         Remember that passive income is a good source of income, but most of the time, it is not easy money.


You can follow me on my website & social media platforms for my content in the form of reels and posts. 
You can visit my online store for my artwork and poetry book: Farytude Store Gumroad
Thank you for your support. 😊

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Life Lesson – Smile and Wear Sunglasses

In my journey of life, I have come to realize that true happiness extends beyond the realm of success, financial means, and material gains (though receiving a paycheck at the end of the day does have its charm 😉).
Sometimes happiness is found in:

• Tranquility of a peaceful life
 Late-night strolls with a friend or a sibling to enjoy ice cream on a cold winter night (and especially when you are supposed to be on a diet 😉).
• The ability to laugh at your folly after a challenging day

We often disregard these seemingly small gestures, taking them for granted, until the day we find ourselves lonely and longing for those very moments. And then we experience the moments of melancholy.
So, how to deal with the feeling of sadness?

1. Smile and Wear Sunglasses

Smile is a powerful antidote to sadness. Even in the depths of sorrow, maintaining a smile can be a game-changer. Ever heard “Fake it till you make it”? And it can indeed be applied here. When you are upset your brain assumes that “I must not be feeling positive emotions”. However, when you smile your brain interprets it as, “I must be happy”. Understanding this, you can leverage the power of a smile to change how your brain interprets various situations, leading to a more positive impact.

As for wearing sunglasses, well, they look cool anyway, don’t they? 😊 In bright light, our natural reaction is to squint, and that scrunching of the face can make us look stressed. So, wearing sunglasses sends a signal to your brain that “Hey everything is alright – you are very much cool and collected”!

2. Embrace Spirituality

Those who follow a spiritual path often find inner contentment and hold a belief that everything will ultimately be alright. Spirituality provides a path to happiness by suggesting that there is more to life than what people experience. It purposes the existence of a supreme power that connects all beings to the universe.

3. Cultivate Gratitude

Gratitude is a positive and powerful emotion which means we are thankful for the blessings that we have in our lives and appreciate the people who make our life’s journey smooth and beautiful. It is expressed through:

 An act of kindness

 A heartfelt thank you note

 A warm smile

 Thoughtful gift as small as a piece of candy

These cute and simple gestures can have a remarkable effect on our lives and the lives of those around us. After all, as the saying goes “Kindness costs nothing”.

4. Take a Walk

Last but not least, never underestimate the power of a 20-minute walk whether alone or with a cherished companion. Only a 20-minute walk can stimulate a molecule called dopamine. When dopamine is released in our brain we feel a sense of happiness and pleasure. The walk not only contributes to your emotional well-being but also improves your physical health, making it a win-win.

These four fundamental practices offer an easy and effective way to combat mood swings and sadness while also nurturing your qualities as a kind and exemplary human being.


You can follow me on my website & social media platforms for my content in the form of reels and posts. 
You can visit my online store for my artwork and poetry book: Farytude Store Gumroad
Thank you for your support. 😊

Friday, October 27, 2023

Mental Health - Every Thread Matters


In the silent corners of our bustling world, there live our elders, where their mental health is often overlooked or not given due importance. The twinkling in the eye of a grandparent, the wisdom in the laughter of a mother and the resilience in the stories of a father, deserve our utmost attention.

Indeed, mental health in the twilight years is a unique landscape, carved by decades of experience, triumphs, and losses. These challenges can be as tangible as physical health issues and as intangible as the loss of loved ones or a sense of purpose. They can cast long shadows, obscuring the joy and serenity that should grace these golden years. And often, they are struggles that are borne in silence, out of sight and out of mind.

Yet, a difference can be made. The shadows can be illuminated and a caring hand can be extended by reaching out to senior citizens within your sphere. The seemingly small gestures like a simple phone call, a heartfelt card or a shared meal can have a colossal impact. It is a reminder to our elders that they are seen, heard, and valued. 

So, make it a point to be engaged with your elders in this busy life. Converse with them about their day, their dreams, and their achievements. Give a lending ear to them and listen to their stories and learn from their wisdom. It is about validating their words and their feelings and reminding them that they matter. Our elders are the golden threads that make the tapestry glow, because in the grand tapestry of life, every thread matters, every color shines.

You can follow me on my website & social media platforms for my content in the form of reels and posts. 
You can visit my online store for my artwork and poetry book: Farytude Store Gumroad
Thank you for your support. 😊


  The Enigma of Positivity and Hidden Negativity I recently learned about ‘hidden negativity’ and wanted to explore how seemingly harmless w...
