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Friday, December 1, 2023

 The Enigma of Positivity and Hidden Negativity

I recently learned about ‘hidden negativity’ and wanted to explore how seemingly harmless words can carry negative meanings that affect our thoughts.

Hidden negativity means having negative thoughts or feelings that aren’t obvious. It’s when someone conceals their criticism or pessimism, and though it’s not directly spoken, it can still affect us subtly.

These hidden negative words can confuse even positive-minded people. We know that staying positive helps us face life’s challenges, but sometimes, seemingly innocent words hold negative meanings. For example, saying “someone’s brain has limited understanding” isn’t using negative words, but the overall connotation is very unpleasant and discouraging.

At times, we unconsciously embrace hidden negativity, that affects our approach towards life and our mindset and ultimately poses an obstacle to fostering an optimistic outlook.

I have highlighted some of the points which, according to me, contribute significantly to hidden negativities:

Repetitive Criticism

Many people in our lives tend to criticize even small things. They remind us of our mistakes repeatedly, impacting our minds negatively. Continuous criticism affects mental health. If you’re that person, remember your sarcasm might make someone’s life hard without you realizing it.


People say first impressions matter, but I disagree. Sometimes, a bad day can give a wrong first impression. It’s okay to give second chances. We often assume negatively about people who turn out to be great individuals.


Gossiping seems harmless, but it isn’t. Talking behind someone’s back, especially negatively, isn’t healthy. It doesn’t benefit anyone. It might make you feel better momentarily, but it can lead to envy and complexities, making it an unhealthy pastime.

So, what’s the enigma of staying positive?

Positivity encourages us to maintain an optimistic outlook and face life’s challenges with a hopeful mindset. However, sometimes, negative feelings hide behind words or actions that seem harmless. That’s when things get puzzling.

Positivity encourages us to focus on the brighter side of life, but it doesn’t mean ignoring or suppressing genuine feelings or challenges. It’s about striking a balance between being hopeful and accepting the fact that life is not always easy.

Compliments wrapped in criticism can undermine the positive impact we seek. For instance, imagine a friend who often compliments you on your achievements but frequently adds a hint of criticism. They might say, ‘You did a great job on this project, but it could have been better if you had done it this way.’ While the compliment seems positive at first, the hidden criticism might make you feel disheartened or less confident about your accomplishments.

Understanding this mystery means realizing that sometimes there’s hidden negativity around us. But it’s essential not to let these hidden negative feelings take over our positive thoughts.

Staying positive isn’t just about pretending to be happy all the time. It’s about being real, feeling both the good and the not-so-good emotions, and finding a way to stay hopeful even when things aren’t perfect :)

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Thank you for your support. 😊

  The Enigma of Positivity and Hidden Negativity I recently learned about ‘hidden negativity’ and wanted to explore how seemingly harmless w...
